The project was completed for the International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD) 2022 Student Assessment Scheme. The aim was to convey how Nineteen Eighty Four (1949) has shaped or contributed to world views.

The website 2 + 2 highlights Nineteen Eighty-Four’s relevance to the contemporary issues of privacy, politics and facts. The website’s main type family — Trade Gothic Next — was created in 1948, a year before Nineteen Eighty-Four’s release. The broader typographic treatment is influenced by IBM, programming and redaction. Layered, redacted typography symbolises the manipulation of information. 

The target audience is 21-30 year olds who are heavy users of social media platforms while often being unaware of the data trail they leave behind as they connect with their online communities.
Initial typographic experimentation
The website removes user autonomy through a linear user journey. The absence of top navigation forces users to follow instructions, referencing Orwellian totalitarianism.
Final Design
The homepage
Module from the Privacy section
Module from the Privacy section
Module from the Politics section
Module from the Facts section
Module from the Facts section
Visit the website here
2 + 2

2 + 2
